General information
- born 1981 in Bochum
- studied History, Philosohy and German Language and Literature (B.A. 2004/05, M.A. 2005/06) at Bochum University
- 2007 doctorat in Medieval and Modern History at Mannheim University
Professional experience
- March 2005 – June 2008 graduate assistant at Bochum University, Didactics of History
- winter term 2005/06 – 2007/08 assistant lecturer at Bochum University
- winter term 2007/08 visiting lecturer at Koblenz-Landau University
- August 2008 – March 2009 research assistant at Vechta University
- winter term 2008/09 visiting lecturer at Leuphana University Lüneburg
- since April 2009 assistent professor (Akademischer Rat) for Medieval and Early Modern History at Bielefeld University
- spring term 2010 visting professor for Medieval History at Mannheim University
- RUBeL eLearning Award 2008
- Award for the Communication of Sciences and Humanities of the Salzburger Hochschulwochen 2008
- June 2005 scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service for Opole, Poland
- October – December 2006 doctoral scholarship at the Herzog-August-Bibliothek (Wolfenbüttel, Findel-Stiftung)
- Juli 2007 Medieval History Seminar, German Historical Institute Washington
- April – June 2008 Fellow for Intellectual History/ History of Ideas (Zeitschrift für Ideengeschichte, Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung)
- July 2008 master class „Construction and Boundaries“ with John R. Searle, Fredrik Barth und Thomas Luckmann (Exzellenzcluster Konstanz University)
- September 2008 visiting scholarship of the German Historical Institute London
- October 2008 stipendiary of the Studi storici italo-germanici, Trento („Perdono, grazia, giustizia. Figure della clemenza fra tardo medioevo ed età contemporanea”)
- since October 2009/10 non-resident scholar at the Max-Weber-Kolleg (Erfurt)
- since 2009 member of the Young Scholars Network at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies (ZiF) Bielefeld
- February 2010 Karl Ferdinand Werner-Fellow at the Institut Historique Allemand Paris
- September & October 2010 Fellow at the International Gender Forum, Tübingen University
- summer 2006 research project „Nachlass Christian Ulrich Grupen (1692-1767)“ (RWLE-Möller-Stiftung, Celle)
- 2007 and 2009 assistant for the commitee of the Geschichtswettbewerbs des Bundespräsidenten (Körber-Stiftung, Hamburg)
- spring 2007 documentary project „Alte und kostbare Drucke“ der Stadtbibliothek Duisburg (Bürgerverein Duisburg e.V.)
- since 2008 associated with the International Medieval Bibliography (Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds) for „Legal History“
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